Friday, February 24, 2017

Square One (Blog 2) 2-24

In the first week, although I was supposed to work on my chords, I couldn't have but start playing. I just quickly learned the notes necessary for the song and started to play. I couldn't help myself I was so excited to start playing. At first I made a stupid mistakes. I start playing Shawn Mendes, Treat you Better because the chords were the easier and I like the song. I keep practicing and then finally after I was getting somewhat good, it hit me. Why am I practicing a slower, calm song if I'm playing the ELECTRIC GUITAR(I don't know why I didn't realize it earlier). It took me so long to realize because I hadn't been practicing with an amp (I wasn't planning on using it till I had gotten really good). I was somewhat annoyed because I actually liked playing the song and thought I was making a good amount of progress. I had to start back at square one.
Then I hit another problem (of course). It was really hard to find song that I could play with the electric guitar, that wasn't too hard, and a good pace for just starting. I'm REALLY into Guns N' Roses (defiantly my favorite band!), and other 80's rock songs, (Although it isn't the most 'popular' music I still love it). But their lead guitarist, Slash, is so good I didn't think I could EVER play any songs by them, or as good as him, so I didn't really look at any of their songs. So I started looking a good song for beginners. As I was looking at many websites there were a few songs I saw they I somewhat liked but weren't my favorite, but I thought maybe could work. Then I was looking at some websites about beginners songs, or somethings I honestly don't remember, and I saw it, Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses (one of my favorite songs by them, I think, I'm not quite sure there are so many). I was so excited. I quickly looked up the chords because I had to see for myself that I could play this song and I COULD! It was basically A, C, D, and occasionally Em (None of those chords are that hard to play). I was so happy that I would be able to play Guns N' Roses that I immediately started to play.
Image result for slash

(Slash ^)

~Stay Tuned~

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Problem? 2-16

The problem (which really isn't a problem, but still) with playing the guitar is that if I say I'm going to play for 30 minutes, after what feels like 10 minutes I will look at phone and see it's been over an hour! I love that I can get so wrapped up in one things for so long and totally forget everything bad that is going on around me and just relax (which never happens any other time). It's amazing that something so simple can clear my mind and in a way take me to another place. But, like with everything, there is always a bad side to it. That’s an hour of time that I was planning on doing other homework or studying. Now my, not so organized or planned night was shortened and messed up (unless I stayed up later, which I don't like doing with homework but probably will end up doing on my phone). This stresses me out and makes me want to play the guitar more so I can forget about my stress but that would create more stress (an endless cycle!).

~Stay Tuned~

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Overview (Blog 1) 2-14

Music is something we experience in our everyday lives. From listening to the radio, humming a song stuck in our head, and even playing music. We all have our own encounters with music. There is music for every emotion and we listen to it for all different reason. Despite our differences or emotions music brings us together and gives us all sense of unity. How is it possible for a single things to bring such large groups of people together?
This is a question that I always wonder. This is what inspired me to start playing the guitar again.  Knowing that I am able to play a song that so many people know and enjoy is crazy. I always wanted to start playing again but never had the time until the Genius Project was introduced in my gifted class. The project was for us to learn or relearn something in 6 weeks. This was my perfect opportunity to play the guitar.
During these 6 weeks of playing guitar I want to; learn all the notes, learn 2 songs, and perform once.
Image result for electric guitarWeek 1: Learn the chords
I will be using the app 'Chord Bank'. This app lets you tune, see how to play the chords, let you hear the chords, and watch videos of playing the chords. I will work on memorizing the chords and being able to play the notes without looking.
Week 2: Start to learn the first song
The first song I will be learning is 'Treat You Better' by Shawn Mendes. I will start to work on switching from chord to chord in the song and try to do it without looking.
Week 3: Perfect the song
In this week I will work on getting the song to the correct speed and playing along with the music
Week 4: Start to learn a second song
I will do the same thing in this week as week 2
Week 5: Perfect the song, prepare to perform
I will do the same thing in this week as week 3
Week 6: Prepare to perform and perform
I will be performing at an 'Open Mic' along with my dad and possibly my expert, Jeff Lohan. I will have to get used to performing in front of people and not needed to look down when playing the song. I may have to memorize the song so I don't have to look at the music as much.

~Stay Tuned~