Thursday, February 16, 2017

Problem? 2-16

The problem (which really isn't a problem, but still) with playing the guitar is that if I say I'm going to play for 30 minutes, after what feels like 10 minutes I will look at phone and see it's been over an hour! I love that I can get so wrapped up in one things for so long and totally forget everything bad that is going on around me and just relax (which never happens any other time). It's amazing that something so simple can clear my mind and in a way take me to another place. But, like with everything, there is always a bad side to it. That’s an hour of time that I was planning on doing other homework or studying. Now my, not so organized or planned night was shortened and messed up (unless I stayed up later, which I don't like doing with homework but probably will end up doing on my phone). This stresses me out and makes me want to play the guitar more so I can forget about my stress but that would create more stress (an endless cycle!).

~Stay Tuned~

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