Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Overview (Blog 1) 2-14

Music is something we experience in our everyday lives. From listening to the radio, humming a song stuck in our head, and even playing music. We all have our own encounters with music. There is music for every emotion and we listen to it for all different reason. Despite our differences or emotions music brings us together and gives us all sense of unity. How is it possible for a single things to bring such large groups of people together?
This is a question that I always wonder. This is what inspired me to start playing the guitar again.  Knowing that I am able to play a song that so many people know and enjoy is crazy. I always wanted to start playing again but never had the time until the Genius Project was introduced in my gifted class. The project was for us to learn or relearn something in 6 weeks. This was my perfect opportunity to play the guitar.
During these 6 weeks of playing guitar I want to; learn all the notes, learn 2 songs, and perform once.
Image result for electric guitarWeek 1: Learn the chords
I will be using the app 'Chord Bank'. This app lets you tune, see how to play the chords, let you hear the chords, and watch videos of playing the chords. I will work on memorizing the chords and being able to play the notes without looking.
Week 2: Start to learn the first song
The first song I will be learning is 'Treat You Better' by Shawn Mendes. I will start to work on switching from chord to chord in the song and try to do it without looking.
Week 3: Perfect the song
In this week I will work on getting the song to the correct speed and playing along with the music
Week 4: Start to learn a second song
I will do the same thing in this week as week 2
Week 5: Perfect the song, prepare to perform
I will do the same thing in this week as week 3
Week 6: Prepare to perform and perform
I will be performing at an 'Open Mic' along with my dad and possibly my expert, Jeff Lohan. I will have to get used to performing in front of people and not needed to look down when playing the song. I may have to memorize the song so I don't have to look at the music as much.

~Stay Tuned~


  1. Hey Haley! Great first post...I have to agree with your statement about music bringing people together. I also find it interesting how one single song can bring out the best of some people and affect them so dramatically. Your reason behind choosing this topic is something I wonder a lot as well, really cool! I can't wait to see your progress and maybe a video of your open mic performance?! (I hope). I know that I already mentioned this to Tess, but the app GuitarTabs is really useful and could help you during this process. It pretty much gives you the chords/instructions for certain songs, check it out!

    1. Yes music is really amazing! I will definitely have a video either on here or at my Ted Talk, hopefully at the open mic. Thanks for the suggestion, it will look into the app!

  2. Nice post (your website looks amazing, by the way)! As a musician, I appreciate your love for music. Go you, Haley. It's cool that you'll actually be performing. It would be great if part of your vlog was part of the performance. Either way, good luck with your playing and I hope you find other musicians that are cooler than Shawn Mendes. If you are looking for another easier app, I use Youcisian to practice ukulele and piano. I'm pretty sure they also teach ukulele.

    1. Thank You! and I decided i can't play him, cause I'm pay the electric guitar. I will look at the app, Thanks.
