Thursday, March 23, 2017

Research 3-23

There are three main parts to a guitar; the head, neck, and body.
On the neck there are silver lines called frets. Depending on what fret you play the chords on depends on the pitch. They are in the musical family called "chordophones". It is thought that every society in history had a form of the guitar.
The first modern guitar was made in the 1800's. the first strings were made of animal intestines but now that are made of a nylon like material. Before they didn’t have music for the guitar since it hadn't been around long so they would use other instruments music.
Below are some different guitars that show the progression of guitar through history and their similarities and differences.

The Lute was popular in England, France, and Germany. Lute players didn’t read music but they made their own mutations. 
Image result

The Italian Renaissance Guitar was more similar in shape to modern guitars (unlike the Lute) but are all in the same "Family Tree". They sometime had fancy decorations but only on some special ones that were saved throughout history.
Image result for italian renaissance guitar

The Early Spanish Guitar was similar to the Renaissance one (in shape but more like the modern one). It is smaller in size than the modern guitar but the strings are similar material.
Image result for early spanish guitar

Then the Modern Classical Guitar was created that has six individual strings and a symmetrical design. It also has many more frets than the generation above. The final design for it was finalized in 1830.
Image result for modern classical guitar

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